

PASTORAL COUNCIL The pastoral council is a team of representative parishioners who are given responsibility for communicating the needs and desires of the people, reflecting on the purpose of Church and setting priorities for the local parish community. The Council members consist of one representative form each of the ministry commissions; a youth member, and ex officio members (Pastor, Pastoral Associate, two trustees of the parish)
Special ministers of the Eucharist assist with the distribution of Eucharist at parish celebrations of the Eucharist and bring the sacrament to the homebound or ill and in need,lead services of Eucharistic Exposition and prayer. After a preparation program, the bishop appoints Eucharistic ministers to a three year term of service and they are commissioned in the parish. A schedule of assignments for Sundays and holydays is prepared and made available in the entrance of church every other month and the schedule for the following weekend is published weekly in the bulletin.
LECTORS Lectors assist with the proclamation of the scripture at celebrations of the Eucharist and other liturgical services. A preparation program is provided for new lectors. A schedule for lectors is prepared and made available in the entrance of church every other month and the schedule for the following weekend is published weekly in the bulletin.
SERVERS Parishioners who are in the fourth grade or older and have the support of their family to enable them to be present for mass are encouraged to be servers. Many family groups are now serving at Mass on a regular basis. Training and updating is held as needed, at least twice a year. Schedules for serving are placed in the front of church every other month and also published by weekend in the bulletin.
USHERS/GREETERS Parishioners who are interested in assisting as welcomers, providing seating arrangements and taking up the offering at Sunday and holyday masses are welcomed to become ushers/greeters. A list of people and times are posted on the bulletin board in the front of church.
GIFT-BEARERS Families and individuals of the parish are welcomed to assist with bring the gifts of bread, wine and water and offering to the altar at weekend and holyday masses.
ADULT BIBLE STUDY Groups of adult parishioners interested in expanding their understanding of the Bible and their own relation to these foundational texts of our Church. Sessions are discussion oriented and guided by structured group materials. Topics are selected through a process based on suggestions arising from group members and a subsequent plan drawn up by the lay leader which is then adapted/accepted within the group by consensus
CATECHISTS Catechists are parishioners willing to serve the Church by assisting parents in their responsibility of educating children in faith and practice. They teach formal classes once a week for students of kindergarten through eighth grade and for high school age youth as specially scheduled. Catechist's aides, who are high school age or older, also assist-with the weekly classes. Orientation, assistance and enrichment opportunities are provided them.
GIVING TREE FOOD PANTRY Assistance for the purchase of food is available to those who are in need because of special circumstances. Monies are maintained through cash donations from parishioners to provide the necessary supply.
YOUTH MINISTRY SGM Life Teen is the high school youth ministry for our partner parishes, St. George, New Baden and St. Mary, Trenton. We are open to any teen in 9th-12th grade, regardless of religious background. SGM Life Teen strives to bring our faith to our young Church, where they are in life. We have Life Nights every other Sunday night, except when in a series, and a Life Teen Word, a Bible study, every Wednesday night. We participate in relevant catechesis, relational ministry, service projects, retreat experiences, social excursions and more!
ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE This MC informs the parish council of information regarding the administration of parish temporalities (the secular property and assets of the church)The building committee is part of the the finance council
CHRISTIAN FORMATION AND EDUCATION Religious education is a life long process. This MC informs the parish council of religious education issues, needs and programs for all parishioners. It includes: adult education, Liturgy of ther Word for children, PSR, Baptism preparation, and RCIA
EVANGILIZATION AND HOSPITALITY This MC reachs out in welcome to all persons in our area; welcome new members to the St George community of faith and promote their active participation in parish life; invite all parishioners to a renewed commitment and participation in the parish community The MC will focus on hospitality, welcoming and communication. Collaborate with the diocesan Hispanic Ministry Office.
FAMILY LIFE AND SOCIAL ACTYIVITIES This MC plans activities that build parish sense of community; provide a wholesome entertainment for all ages; coordinate parish activities so as to promote hospitality, community building, and a spirit of unity at St George"
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (K of C) KofC is a fraternal and charitable organization of men who raise funds and donate to charities and sponsor family enriching activities for members and parish. They meet on the second Wednesday of each month in the parish center at 7:30 pm.